Table of Contents
Basic Info:
Creative Commons licenses are a set of copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. These licenses are used by creators to grant permissions to others regarding the use of their work, without the need for individualized negotiations.
License Types:
- CC BY (Attribution): Allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the creator for the original creation. Link to text
- CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike): Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the creator and license their new creations under the identical terms. Link to text
- CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, while acknowledging the creator. Derivative works don’t have to be licensed under the same terms. Link to text
- CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike): Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the creator and license their new creations under the identical terms. Link to text
- Creative Commons licenses promote the freedom to share and modify creative works, fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity.
- Users should be aware of the specific terms of each Creative Commons license to ensure compliance and compatibility with their intended use.
Use Cases:
Main Cases:
- Open Educational Resources (OER): Creative Commons licenses are widely used in the creation and sharing of OER, allowing educators to freely share and adapt educational materials.
- Creative Works: Artists, musicians, and writers use Creative Commons licenses to share their work while retaining some control over how it is used.
OK Cases:
- Research: Researchers use Creative Commons licenses to share data and findings, promoting collaboration and transparency in research.
- Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profits use Creative Commons licenses to share information and resources, advancing their missions of education and advocacy.
- Alternative Cases: 5. Government Data: Governments use Creative Commons licenses to make public data and information more accessible and usable by the public.
- Cultural Heritage: Museums, libraries, and archives use Creative Commons licenses to share digital copies of cultural artifacts, increasing access to cultural heritage.
Tech Specs:
- Attribution Requirements: All Creative Commons licenses require users to attribute the creator of the work when using it, with specific requirements varying based on the license.
- License Compatibility: Users should be aware of the specific terms of each Creative Commons license to ensure compliance and compatibility with their intended use.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Creative Commons Licence
What are Creative Commons licenses?
Creative Commons licenses are a set of free, public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. They allow creators to specify the permissions they grant regarding the use of their work.
What are the key features of Creative Commons licenses?
Flexibility: Creators can choose from a range of licenses to specify how others may use their work, including whether commercial use is allowed and whether derivatives can be made.
Standardization: Creative Commons licenses provide a standardized way for creators to grant permissions, making it easier for users to understand the terms of use.
Global Reach: The licenses are designed to be legally effective worldwide, providing a consistent framework for sharing and reusing content.
What are the main types of Creative Commons licenses?
CC BY (Attribution): This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the creator for the original creation.
CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike): This license allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the creator and license their new creations under the identical terms.
CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): This license allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the creator and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike): This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the creator and license their new creations under the identical terms.
CC BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivs): This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs): This license is the most restrictive of the six main licenses, allowing others to download the works and share them with others as long as they credit the creator, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
How do Creative Commons licenses work with copyright?
Creative Commons licenses work within the framework of copyright law, providing a way for creators to grant some of their rights to the public while retaining others. The licenses are legal tools that allow copyright owners to offer their works to the public on certain terms and conditions.
Can I use a Creative Commons-licensed work in a commercial project?
It depends on the specific Creative Commons license attached to the work. Some licenses allow for commercial use, while others do not. You must check the terms of the license to determine what uses are permitted.
Do I need to attribute the creator when using a Creative Commons-licensed work?
Yes, all Creative Commons licenses require that you attribute the creator of the work when you use it. The specific requirements for attribution vary depending on the license.
Can I modify a Creative Commons-licensed work and distribute it under a different license?
If the original work is licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows for modifications (e.g., CC BY, CC BY-SA), you can modify the work and distribute it under a different license. However, you must still comply with the terms of the original Creative Commons license, including providing attribution.
Are there any restrictions on how Creative Commons-licensed works can be used?
Yes, each Creative Commons license comes with specific terms and conditions regarding how the work can be used, such as whether commercial use is allowed, whether modifications are permitted, and whether derivative works must be licensed under the same terms.
Where can I find Creative Commons-licensed works?
Creative Commons-licensed works can be found on various websites, including Creative Commons’ own search engine, which indexes content from across the web that is available under Creative Commons licenses.
How can I apply a Creative Commons license to my own work?
You can apply a Creative Commons license to your own work by visiting the Creative Commons website and using their license chooser tool, which helps you select the right license based on your preferences